I was so gripped by fear that I could hardly even move. Anything could've been in that room with me, and I was certain it was waiting - licking its lips, grinding its rows of rusty sawblade teeth - for just the right second to strike. I could barely even see my tiny hand in front of my face. But does it bind them together or leave them straining at the seams? Here's wot I think. That relationship, then, lies at the heart of Papo & Yo, weaving an extremely personal thread through both story and gameplay mechanics. And so, when Monster eats a frog (read: METAPHOR), he stops helping you solve puzzles and starts lobbing fiery punches at your tiny cranium. Same old, same old, right? But beneath its sunny, wildly imaginative exterior is the bleak tale of creator Vander Caballero, whose alcoholic father physically abused him and his family when he was a child.

Papo & Yo is, at first glance, a puzzle platformer about a young boy and his best pal, a multi-ton, bulbous bellied pink gum wad rhino dog.